Apple juice comes in two versions: ‘cloudy’ and ‘clear’. Cloudy apple juice is made simply by chopping or shredding apples and then pressing out and straining the juice.
Clear apple juice is cloudy juice filtered to remove solid particles and then treated with enzymes to eliminate starches and the soluble fiber pectin.
Fresh apple juice is a most unstable material both from the chemical and the microbiological point of view. Consequently, the distinct types of apple juice which are available and the market largely reflect the preservative technique used for their production.
Many nutritionists consider apple juice not much more than sugar water. An eight ounce glass contains about 110 calories, all from sugar; there are low levels of some vitamins and minerals but none at a level to be considered significant in the diet.
News about how apple juice contains antioxidants which might reduce heart disease is a choice example of scientists over-interpreting their experimental results.
The pectin is a natural anti-diarrheal that helps solidify stool. Shaved raw apple is sometimes used as a folk remedy for diarrhea, and purified pectin is an ingredient in many over the counter anti-diarrheal.
A report in the April 2008 issue of the Journal Nutrition from a team of researchers in Germany suggest that several natural chemicals in apples including butyrate reduce the risk of cancer of the colon by nourishing and protecting the mucosa of the colon.
There is nothing wrong with apple juice as a food; but if it represents a big proportion of calories (as it does for some children) it is not a healthy choice. The people shouldn’t drink apple juice or anything else just for the antioxidants. Whole apples are a good source of fiber and provide fewer calories than a big glass of juice.
Apple juice consumptions not a sole solution to improving dietary balance in light of several major points:
1. Juice is poor source of fiber, relative to their native whole farm.
2. They have high content of simple sugars and this can induce an excessive energy intake.
3. The vitamin C content decreases a function of time after production and products should be consumed within a week of opening.
Home juicing is better. It will give all those amazing vitamins, phytochemical, live enzymes, and all other good stuff in the apple except fiber. Not so with commercial apple juice in the bottle which is nothing more than sugar, water, and apple flavoring.
Apple Juice
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