Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Importance and Classification of Food Flavor

Flavors represent a class of food additives that has had comparatively little legislation. This is probably due to the relatively large number of ingredients used in flavoring, the very small quantities involved and the difficulties of regulating added substances by analytical methods.

The flavor of food is all important. Much of our diet by itself is unattractive, unappetizing and often so lacking in intrinsic flavor.

If the aroma and flavor is enticing and satisfying to the eater then it is digested better and results in an overall feeling of satisfaction.

Sensory information obtained from the interaction of fragrance and flavor molecules with olfactory and taste receptor are processed in defined cerebral areas, resulting in perception.

It does not matter how the is look and how balanced nutritionally it is, if it does not smell and taste goods then these essential reflexes are not activated and eating remains mere chore rather than the positive pleasure which it should be.

Although food acceptance in humans is determined mainly by appearance and texture, flavor is nevertheless also important. Spices are added to food not for theory nutritional value, but for their taste and flavor.

The flavor of any food product, confectionary or beverage will depend upon all ingredients used in its preparation and the nature of processing involved.

Flavors may classified in many ways, but from the point of view of their chemistry, the most realistic classification is that based on their mode of formation, either naturally by biosynthetic pathways from known precursors, or by processing in which biological, chemical or physical condition are imposed on natural or artificial starting me trials.

They also can be classified as:
-Prime ingredients
-Additives or stabilizer

Favors can be classified by the general sensations that one fells when eating different foods. It is generally agreed that taste sensations are divided into four major categories: saltiness, sweetness, sourness and bitterness.

However food flavors are usually classified by the food sources in which they are normally detected because more than one flavor sensation is usually triggered by a food flavors.
*Fruit favors
*Vegetable flavors
*Spice flavors
*Beverage flavors
*Meat flavors
*Fat flavors
*Cooked favors
*Empyreumatic flavors
*Stench flavors
The Importance and Classification of Food Flavor

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