There are so much information out there about coffee. By the turn of the century, many doctors advised against daily consumption of coffee, concerned particularly about coffee’s potential cause of common ailments of time; heart palpitations, nervousness, indigestion and insomnia.
Perhaps the peak of the anti-coffee hysteria occurred during the nineteenth century, with coffee being blamed for every imaginable illness and disorder.
Since discovery in 1820 by Runge and its chemical identification by Medicus in 1875, caffeine has been and still is the most studied compound present in coffee.
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, a bitter alkaloid that probably forms part of the coffee plant's defense system—caffeine also works as an antifungal, a selective phytotoxin, and a limited insectival chemosterilant. It is highly soluble in water, and is one of the first components to dissolve into the brewing coffee.
The caffeine in one or two cups of the morning coffee increases the stomach temperature ten or fifteen degrees, causes the stomach to 400 percent more hydrochloric acid, increases heart beat fifteen percent and makes lung working thirteen times harder than normal.
Caffeine an important constituent of coffee is known to increase the heart rate, elevate the blood pressure, interfere with sleep, produce a rise in plasma levels of free fatty acids and is also responsible for the production of missed heartbeats.
It contains tars and acids which are injuries to the heart, blood vessels and other tissues. These same agents are also present in de-caffeinated coffee.
Although whether coffee is harmful, to health may be controversial to this day, there is no doubt that many so the products frequently consumed with coffee can be detrimental.
The harmful of coffee