Candidiasis or overgrowth of Candida albicans tends to occur in children depleted from tiredness, stress, poor diet or other illness. Candida albicans is a yeast that belongs to the commensal flora of the mouth, intestinal tract, vagina, and skin.
There is increasing awareness that candida overgrowth may account for a variety of chronic symptoms including food allergies, fatigue, behavioral problems, bloating, bowel disturbances, and itching.
Yeasts cells attach themselves to the mucous membranes in the body from mouth to anus and in the genitourinary tract.
Oral yeast infections are common disease, particularly for teenagers and men, it is also known as thrush or yeast infection of the mouth. Usually, it is easy to cure with medication if it is not caused by a chronic yeast infection.
The oral yeast infection looks like white patches on the mouth with red sore tissues. Some pole may experience pain during mastication and swallowing.
Taking antibiotics can cause some children to get yeasts infection. Antibiotics get rid of germs that make us sick, but they can also kill many of the harmless bacteria in human body.
These harmless bacteria normally fight with yeasts for a place to live, but when antibiotics kill them, the yeast is fee to grow.
Yeast Infections in Children