All fruits and vegetables contain important minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. About 14 mineral elements are considered to be essential nutritional constituents: calcium, sodium, zinc, iodine, copper, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, fluoride, manganese, iron, magnesium, cobalt and chloride.
Fresh fruits and vegetables contribute about 26% of the magnesium and 19% of the iron to the U.S diet. The following fruits are important contributors to the supply of indicated minerals in the U.S diet:
*Potassium: banana, peach, orange, apple, dried fruits such as apricot and prune.
*Phosphorus: banana, orange, peach, fig, raisin
*Calcium: tangerine, grapefruit, orange
*Iron: strawberry, banana, apple, orange
Minerals are basic components in secondary metabolic pathways that produce valuable phytochemicals for normal human health.
Although fruits are not rich in minerals, potassium is the most abundant mineral available in fruit and occurs mainly in combination with various organic acids.
In fruit the pH of the tissue is controlled by the potassium/organic acid balance and high concentrations of potassium can contribute to blood pressure of humans. The degree of thermal processing influence on the mineral content of the product depends on the treatment severity.
Minerals content in fruit
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