A cold cereal breakfast is almost the fastest way to get cereal to the stomach. The only thing quicker is eating the cereal straight from the box.
It is an excellent opportunity to get whole grains, fiber, and vitamins and minerals into the body.
Cold cereal with skim milk, provides about 190 calories, and 20 to 30% of practically all vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate and protein needed for the day.
Smaller players such as Quaker Oats, malt-O-Meal offer less expensive alternatives to major brands and fill market gaps. Quaker Oats one of the largest cereal company, is building its cold cereal business with brands such as Cap’n Crunch.
Advancements in cereal production, storage and packaging have increased the popularity of cold cereal found in most home kitchens.
Many cold cereals can cause may lead to mid-morning low blood sugar and a lack of energy that can leave the people fatigued and unfocused. It will have inability to resist unhealthy mid-morning snacks. It is the best to select the cold cereal made from bran.
Cold cereal can make a healthy breakfast, but the one claiming to contain fruit may offer little actual fruit, with more fruit flavoring and artificial colors.
Cold Cereal Breakfast
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