The sun is the primary source of vitamin D. There are a number of factors that determine the amount of vitamin A can be generate including: geographic location, season and time of the day, age and color of the skin.
The deficiency is a common problem for many people especially the older people. Vitamin D is a critical nutrient for human body in particular for stronger bones, muscle movements, nerve movement and immune system well-being.
During post-Industrial Revolution Europe, physicians began to notice a new disease among children living in big industrial cities such as London and Warsaw.
These children had stunted growth, muscle wasting and deformed leg physician named this new disease ‘rickets’.
By the 1930’s, the link between rickets and vitamin D deficiency was well established.
Other than osteomalacia and rickets, all the diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency are what doctors call ‘Long Latency Deficiency Diseases’.
‘Long latency’ refers to the many years it often takes for some types of diseases to present themselves.
What are the causes of vitamin D deficiency?
*Modern Life style
*Sun phobia
*Medical illness
Researchers in the United States have estimated that every year 60,000 premature deaths from cancer are caused by insufficient levels of vitamin D. This translates onto 10 percent of total cancer deaths being attributed to insufficient vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency
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