The production and consumption of alcoholic beverages is one of man’s oldest activity. Output and trade of alcoholic beverages have ramified to all corners of the earth.
Beverage alcohol is a nearly universal drug today and has been so in most of the world for hundred, even thousands, of years.
Today brewing, wine making and distilling are of major commercial importance in many non Islamic countries and through taxation, can be importance source of government revenue.
And at the same time it must be recognized that excess consumption of alcohol leads to serious social and medical problems for individual as well as loss to national economy through loss of productivity, cost of medical treatment, etc.
The word alcohol is the any form of hydroxyl compounds and is the simplest derivatives of the saturated hydrocarbons of CnH2n+1OH general formula, including ethanol and methanol.
Of the four general types, ethanol made from plant material, is the form consumable by humans.
Most alcohol is categorized as fermented or distilled. To make fermented alcohol, the process begins with mashing and heating plant material,, after which sugar and yeast are added and alcohol is allowed to develop.
Grains, such as barley or wheat ferment to produce a member of the beer family, and grapes produce wines.
The differences among alcoholics beverages stem from how they are manufactured.
Alcohols normally have smell that dangles in nasal passages and the alcoholic beverages are consuming by the humans which is ethanol form. Man is consuming alcoholic beverages for different hygienic, religious, dietary, medicinal, and recreational purposes.
In moderate doses, ethyl alcohol, the type found in beverage products, acts as a mild tranquilizer. In excessive doses, it can become toxic, causing impaired judgment and , in some cases, death.
Alcohol is usually taken in social occasions like a party or meal and in such occasions people mix with some amount of water to avoid overindulging.
Many people drink alcoholic beverages as desirable enhancements to their meals. While for other people they consume alcoholic beverage while enjoying entertainment offered at bars, clubs and other establishments.
The alcohol content of a beverage is designated by proof. Proof is used primarily for distilled spirits and is equal to twice the percentage of alcohol by volume.
Accordingly, a beverage that is 43% alcohol by volume is 86%.
Alcoholic beverages
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