Cocoa first arrived in Europe in 1528. Cocoa was considered divine in origin and in 1737 the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus named the cocoa tree Theobroma cacao, not its official botanical named, from the Greek word ambrosia.
After spotting Aztec Indians grinding cocoa beans in Mexico and using them to make a beverage, a recipe found its way into Spain. Beginning in Spain and then throughout the rest of Europe, cocoa preceded coffee and tea s a stimulating rink and by the end of the seventeenth century there were chocolate houses all over the continent.
The original hot cocoa recipe was a mixture of ground cocoa beans, water, wine and peppers. It didn't take long for Spaniards to begin heating the mixture and sweetening it with sugar. After being introduced in England, milk was added to the after dinner treat.
By 1828, the first cocoa powder producing machine had been developed, which generated a less acidic, processed cocoa. The new form of cocoa was easier to blend with warm milk or water. In 1848, the first real ‘eating chocolate’ was invented, produced from addition of coca butter and sugar to cocoa liquor.
In the United Kingdom in 1847, Joseph Fry was the first to produce a plain eating chocolate bar, made possible by the introduction of coca butter as an ingredient. In 1876, the Swiss, by mixing cocoa power and power milk, developed milk chocolate.
Today, there are two types of warmed chocolate drinks. Hot cocoa is the less fatening variety made with milk and real chocolate. Hot chocolate is a velvety textured drink, made with various spices or liqueurs.
History of chocolate in Europe
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