Monday, May 22, 2023

Durian – King of fruit

Durian (Durio zibethinus) is a native fruit of Southeast Asia. Its range appears to be the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, and the island of Borneo.

Durian belongs to family Bombacaceae and it chromosome number is 2n = 56. Durio zibethinus is a medium to large buttressed tree, up to 45 m tall in dense lowland forests and 10-15 m in orchards and backyards; bark dark red brown, peeling off irregularly. Durian grows well in hot, humid climates with high rainfall. It prefers sandy loam soil. Seed and vegetative means are used for propagation.

Durian is a climacteric fruit that undergoes rapid postharvest changes resulting in a short shelf life at ambient temperature. These changes are essential for a good quality for consumption. The fruit is usually consumed fresh, but it can be processed into different products.
Fruit varies greatly in size; 15-25 cm in diameter, green to yellowish brown, with spines that are variable in length and shape. Seeds chestnutbrown, completely enclosed in a thick, white or yellow, soft, sweet, fragrant aril.

Its edible aril is soft and creamy with white or yellowish color. The aril has a sweet taste and strong dominated by fruity (estery) and unique sulfury notes. Due to its unique and highly characteristic flavor, durian is deemed as a delicacy and even regarded as the King of Fruits by local people.

Flowers are white or pink in color and arranged in cymes. Fruit is a large, spherical, ovoid, spiny, green to yellow capsule that split into five valves.

This fruit can reduce lethality of alcohol. In India leaves and roots used in a prescription for fever. Leaves also used in medicinal bath during fever. For fruit walls used externally for skin disease.
Durian – King of fruit

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