#The lemon juice contains the highest amount of vitamin C of all the fruit in the citrus family and is highly regarded for its medicinal values. Lemon juice is an excellent blood purifier. Upon rising in the morning, drink the juice of 1 lemon in a cup of warm water. It helps in reducing obesity.
Asthma is relieved by taking a half-spoonful of lemon-juice before each meal and upon retiring. Lemon juice taken 3-4 times daily along with garlic, can cure cough and cold. Drinking lemon juice daily helps to alleviate rheumatic fever, painful joints, lumbago and sciatica. Lemon juice is also a very effective antioxidant. A diet rich in antioxidants is the best way to protect ourselves against heart disease, cancer and other such illness.
#Mint leaf juice is good in case of digestive disorders. Mint juice is a good appetizer. Fresh mint leaf juice mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice and honey is given three times a day with excellent results in the treatment do indigestion, biliousness, flatulent colic, thread worms, morning sickness and diarrhea.
#Equal quantities of raw onion juice and honey, taken twice a day are effective for stomachache and indigestion. Equal quantity of onion juice and garlic, honey will expectorate cough and also clear the lungs.
#A cup of raw potato juice taken daily cures acidity. Fresh organic potato juice helps those suffering from tuberculosis.
#Juice of fresh ripe pumpkin taken regularly helps to get rid of kidney stones. Pumpkin juice is very useful in cases of sunstroke, heat stroke, acidity and liver troubles.
#Radish juice and its leaves, mixed with a little sugar, should be taken twice daily in the cases of jaundice. It is an excellent remedy for thinning down mucus, clearing sinuses, blocked nose, mucus related migraine etc.
#Spinach juice cleansing and building properties stimulate and tone the liver, gall bladder, blood and lymph circulation, and large intestine. Raw spinach juice taken twice a day before meals lowers the blood sugar. Spinach leaf juice, as a gargle, is good for sore throat.
#A glass of fresh tomato juice taken daily cleanses the system and prevents hardening of the arteries. Fresh tomato juice is rich in sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Its keeps the blood stream alkaline and thus maintains high resistance to disease.
#Turnip juice mixed with cabbage or carrot juice, taken daily reduces mucous, helps asthma and bronchitis and relieves sore throats. Turnip leaf juice is rich in potassium which makes it a good alkalanizer of the blood stream.
#1-2 tsp fresh juice of coriander leaves mixed in 1 teacup buttermilk to be taken 2-3 times daily for Dysentery, Hepatitis, Indigestion and Nausea. Juice of fresh coriander leaves can be used as nasal drops for bleeding nose. Coriander juice applied on blackheads and pimples daily work wonders.
Vegetable Juice therapy II
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