#The Juice of Amaranth leaves is effective in resolving cataract. To remove cataract drink a cup of crushed leaves daily.
#Amla fruit had a anti-diabetic properties. For diabetes, a mixture of quarter cup of amla fruit juice with a tsp of turmeric powder everyday show a reduction in blood glucose levels.
#Beet juice is one of the most valuable juices for the liver and gall bladder.
#Brinjal juice is found to be an effective remedy for toothache.
#The use of cabbage juice for treatment of stomach ulcers is one of the latest and most vital advances in the field of juice therapy. It is the most famous natural remedy for ulcers. Drinking a whopping one quart or so daily of the fresh juice can result in total ulcer healing in an average of only 10 days.
#Carrot juice is one of the most versatile, healthy and delicious, Its ornate color is due to its high content of beta carotene. A cup of carrot juice taken daily improves the eyesight and prevents cataract. Carrot juice is also excellent for the treatment of infantile diarrhea and acute colitis.
The patient should take two glasses of carrot juice daily, one glass each morning and evening. Juice taken before breakfast is anthelmintic, increases visual acuteness, night visions and heals affliction of the liver.
It also prevents dehydration. Mixed with a little honey carrot juice is highly effective in all sorts of fevers, general debility, nervous disorders, anemia, lassitude, low vitality, and rundown conditions. Carrot juice applied on the burns help them heal faster.
#2 tsp fresh juice of Fenugreek leaves along with 1 tsp honey to be taken daily in case of recurrent headaches and insomnia. The juice of fenugreek when boiled and taken with honey is suitable for purging every harmful juice in the intestine; because its shares purgative power, it incites the bowels to evacuation.
#Equal quantities of ginger juice, lemon juice, pudina juice and honey to be taken frequently for Dyspepsia, nausea, indigestion, jaundice, morning sickness and piles.
#Ginger is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. Juice of ginger should be taken with honey 2-3 times daily for persistent cough.
Vegetable Juice therapy I
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